Prentis Arwain Gweithgareddau Chwaraeon, Lefel 2/ Level 2 Sports Activities Leader

12 July 2024

Prentis Arwain Gweithgareddau Chwaraeon, Lefel 2/ Level 2 Sports Activities Leader

Nod y swydd fydd cynyddu cyfranogaeth plant a phobl ifanc mewn gweithgaredd chwaraeon cyson, drwy'r cyfrwng y Gymraeg.

The aim of the position will be to increase the participation of children and young people in regular sports activity, through the
medium of Welsh.

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Contact Information

Contact Name
Catrin Davis
Gwynedd, UK

Job Details

Job Title
Prentis Arwain Gweithgareddau Chwaraeon, Lefel 2/ Level 2 Sports Activities Leader
£12,394 y flwyddyn / annual


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