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Gwasanaethau Busnes | Business Services
Celf a Chrefft | Arts & Crafts
Siop Lyfrau Cymraeg | Welsh Bookshop
Gweisg a Chyhoeddwyr | Press and Publishers
Gofal | Care
Gwallt a Harddwch | Hair and Beauty
Marchnata a Chysylltiadau Cyhoeddus | Marketing and PR
Caffis a Bwytai | Cafés and Restaurants
Cynnyrch Cymraeg | Welsh Products
Gwasanaethau Teithio | Travel Services
Cyfreithwyr a Thwrneiod | Lawyers and Solicitors
Ffotograffwyr | Photographers
Bwyd a Diod | Food and Drink
Gwasanaethau Digwyddiadau | Event Planning
Campio a Glampio | Camping and Glamping
Garej a Cherbydau | Garages and Vehicles
Ysgrifenydd Copi | Copywriter