Frequently asked questions

If you have a question about Ffenest Siop and our services, it’s worth peeking at our FAQs below, hopefully you’ll discover the answer right away. If not, please contact us.

Yes! Ffenest Siop exists to champion and promote Welsh language businesses and services in order to boost the Welsh langauge and the Welsh economy.

Yes! As long as you promise that customers can receive a Welsh language service by engaging with your business or service, you can be featured on Ffenest Siop.

No, we don’t assess the level and standard of Welsh you offer in your business or service. When you sign up to Ffenest Siop you adhere to our Welsh language promise, which means that you promise to offer a Welsh language sevrice that your customers expect and deserve.  It is your responsbility to ensure that you provide this. Any complaints about your Welsh langauge service by our users will be sent to you to deal with directly. Please see our T’s and C’s for full info or contact us if you have any questions.

You have to pay to be featured on Ffenest Siop because we are also a business! We have mortgages to pay and kids to feed etc…and despite the fact that we’d love to offer you this service for free, we simply couldn’t. We have made it as affordable as possible as we want to be accesible to businesses and organsiations of all sizes. We really do want to help you!

Ffenest Siop is run by Llais Cymru, a bilingual marketing and PR business who helps many businesses and organisations to reach more customers and grow. We believe the Welsh language should be accesible to all. We know that many non Welsh speakers are keen and proud to support Welsh services, and we know that having both languages will help those amazing Welsh learners to keep developing their skills. Being featured on a bilingual platform will help businesses and services to reach new customers and supporters, it’s positive all round!

Yes! We’re here to boost the Welsh language and the economy within Wales, but we are happy to support any business and service which can offer Welsh language services outside of Wales too. If it helps promote the language and Wales, we’re happy to help you reach more customers and supporters!

Firstly, we are very sorry that you’ve had this experience. All businesses and services featured on Ffenest Siop must adhere to our Welsh language promise which confirms that they do offer a Welsh language service. Please contact us directly to share your full experience and we will put you in contact with the business directly to file your complaint.