

In Erin’s Words

In Erin’s Words

Helo! Erin ‘dwi, a dwi’n darparu gwasanaethau ysgrifennu copi, blogiau ac ysbryfennu (ghostwriting) ffuglen yn seiliedig ar seicoleg ac emosiwn ar gyfer brandiau creadigol, lles a bywyd.

Mae pobl yn prynu teimladau, nid cynhyrchion. Felly os ydych chi am i’ch darllenwyr deimlo unrhyw beth, mae angen ysgrifennwr sy’n gallu gwneud dau beth arnoch chi:

  1. Ysgrifennu’n dda a deall pobl.
  2. Gall ysgrifennwr sy’n slic â seicoleg dyfu eich busnes a chynyddu ffyddlondeb brand drwy gamu i mewn i feddwl eich cynulleidfa.

Yn ffodus i chi, dyna’n union sut dwi’n gweithio.

Dwi’n storïwraig naturiol â chefndir mewn seicoleg a chwnsela, a dwi’n angerddol am gysylltu’n emosiynol gyda darllenwyr trwy fy 'sgwennu.

Hi! I’m Erin, and I provide psychology and emotion-focused copywriting, blogs and fictional ghostwriting for creative, wellness and lifestyle brands.

People buy feelings, not products. So if you want your readers to actually feel something, you need a writer who can do two things:

  1. Write well and understand people.
  2. A psychologically sharp writer can grow your business and increase brand loyalty by stepping into the minds of your audience.

Luckily for you, that’s how I do things.

I’m a natural storyteller who also has a background in psychology and counselling, and I’m passionate about emotionally connecting with readers through my writing.

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