

Angladdau Enfys Funerals ltd

Angladdau Enfys Funerals ltd

Rydym yn gwmni angladdau moesegol ym Mangor, Gwynedd a fydd yn eich annog a’ch cefnogi i drefnu angladd ystyrlon sy’n dathlu bywyd yr unigolyn sydd wedi marw.
Mae darparu gwasanaeth gofalu gyda thosturi, urddas a thryloywder yn rhywbeth yr ydym yn ymfalchïo ynddo, gan gynnig dewis a hyblygrwydd lle bynnag y bo modd.
Credwn fod galar yn cychwyn y funud y bydd rhywun yn marw; daw'r sylweddoli nad ydyn nhw'n dod yn ôl ar ôl yr angladd pan fydd eu corff wedi'i amlosgi neu ei gladdu. Dyma pam rydyn ni’n teimlo bod angladdau mor bwysig ac yn gyfle gwirioneddol i ddathlu a myfyrio ar y bywyd a gafodd ei fyw.

We are an ethically run, female led funeral company in Bangor, Gwynedd who will encourage and support you to arrange a meaningful funeral that celebrates the life of the person who has died.
Providing a caring service with compassion, dignity and transparency is something we pride ourselves on, while offering choice and flexibility wherever possible.
We believe that grief begins the moment someone dies; the realisation that they are truly gone comes after the funeral when their body has been cremated or buried. This is why we feel funerals are so important and are a real opportunity to celebrate and reflect on the life that was lived.

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133 High St, Bangor LL57 1NT, UK
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