

Cylchgrawn Cara

Cylchgrawn Cara

Cylchgrawn gan fenywod ac am fenywod yw Cara. Tîm mam a merch ydyn ni, a’n nod yw rhoi llais i unrhyw ferch mewn unrhyw faes. Mae’r cylchgrawn yn lliwgar, deniadol a hawdd i’w ddarllen, mae erthyglau ar iechyd, teithio, bwyd a diod, materion cyfoes, colur a ffasiwn, steilio cartref, y celfyddydau a mwy. Mae colofnwyr rheolaidd a chyfresi o erthyglau fel Cymraes Dramor, Tabŵb, Cymraes Newydd, Merched mewn Hanes a Dewch am Dro. Rydym wedi cyhoeddi dau lyfr: Adref: cyfrol o straeon byrion a Menopositif: Cara dy hun drwy’r Newid Mawr - y gyfrol gyntaf yn y Gymraeg am y menopos.

Cewch brynnu Cara yn eich siop Gymraeg leol neu ar ein gwefan.

Cara is a Welsh lifestyle magazine by women, about women. We’re a mother and daughter team, and our aim is to give a platform to women and allow them a voice on any subject. Cara is a full colour and easy to read magazine. We publish articles on women’s health, travel, food and drink, current affairs, fashion and make-up, interior design, the arts and much more. We have regular columnists and series of articles, such as women in history, women in business, Welsh learners, women who live around the world, and we give an insight to different towns in Wales. We have also published two Welsh books including the first Welsh book about the Menopause.

Buy Cara in your local Welsh-language book shop or on our website.

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Contact Information

Cwmni Cara Cyf, Bancyreithin, Llandre, Bow Street, Ceredigion, SY24 5BS
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