Do you own a Welsh speaking business? Do you run a Welsh language service? Want to recruit more Welsh speakers to join your team? Join our Welsh community and make a positive impact in your local area and beyond.
We don’t just open windows, we open doors to help you connect with Welsh speakers, Welsh learners and those who are passionate about supporting Wales.
Listing your business, organisation and jobs with us is an opportunity to show your commitment to growing the language, growing the local economy and creating vibrant Welsh communities where people young and old can thrive in their local area.
Our Single Glazing package is the optimal choice for businesses looking to boost their online presence. With comprehensive bilingual content in Welsh and English, we provide a unique platform for you to connect with your customers in their preferred language. With direct links to your website, social media accounts, and reviews, we’re committed to creating powerful connections between Welsh businesses and their customers.
Our Double Glazing package includes everything in the Single Glazing package + more! Enjoy more features across our platforms, a priority invitation to our podcast, plus discounted resources and support.
A bilingual listing on our jobs section. This runs from the publishing date until the application closes. No additional costs for extended application deadlines.
Up to 300 words in Welsh and in English and links to your website and application form. Jobs will be searchable by area on our map, making it easy for local people to discover opportunities on their doorstep.