Job Listing

Advertise to local people who want to discover opportunities on their doorstep

A successful Wales?

We make it our business

Our love for Wales is at the heart of Ffenest Siop.

A bilingual listing on our jobs section. This runs from the publishing date until the application closes. No additional costs for extended application deadlines.

Up to 300 words in Welsh and in English and links to your website and application form. Jobs will be searchable by area on our map, making it easy for local people to discover opportunities on their doorstep.

Job listing just £175

Ffenest Siop Job Listing

On our Ffenest Siop Website:


Your Investment

Job Listing

1 off payment


Translation add on includes translation of the 300-word job description into Welsh +£40.

Want to advertise more than two jobs at the same time? Contact us for a shiny discount code to receive 10% off.